Eating Healthy on a Tight Budget: Smart Strategies for Eating Well and Wasting Less

Maintaining a nutritious diet often conjures images of expensive organic produce and specialty health foods, leaving many to believe that eating healthy on a tight budget is not possible. However, with a little planning and creativity,  it is entirely possible to eat well without breaking the bank.

Make use of Tech

Check out Apps such as Too Good to Go and Olio.  Too Good to Go is where supermarkets sell off their unwanted items close to their sell by.  I live near Blandford and noted both Spar and Morrisons participate with their ‘surprise bags’, at around a third of the price.  Sure, Greggs are there too, but that defeats the point!  Olio is a community exchange app, where you can donate stuff of your own as well as seeing what others locally may have. 

Plan Your Meals

I have managed to cut my budget right back by spending half an hour a week planning meals in advance.  Your plan should  include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Take a look at what you already have in to avoid buying duplicate items (guilty as charged). Planning your meals not only helps you stay organised but also reduces the chances of impulsive and unhealthy food choices.

Buy in Bulk

Buying staple items in bulk can significantly reduce the cost of your groceries. Look for items like rice, pasta, beans, lentils, oats, and canned vegetables in larger quantities.   One item I find annoyingly expensive in supermarkets are nuts, yet go onto Amazon and they are much more affordable if you buy a large bag.  The same applied to many dried goods such as beans and lentils.

Embrace Frozen and Canned Produce

Fresh fruits and vegetables are fantastic, but they can be expensive, especially when not in season. Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables are often more affordable and have a longer shelf life. They are just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts and can be used in a variety of dishes, from smoothies to soups and stir-fries.

Use leftovers

Stuff hanging about in the bottom of the veg drawer?  Freeze it.  Perfect for adding to soups, stews or smoothies.

Cook at Home

Takeaways, whilst convenient, can quickly deplete your budget. Instead, make cooking at home a priority. Home-cooked meals are not only more budget-friendly but also allow you to control the ingredients, making it easier to choose healthier options. Experiment with simple recipes and gradually expand your culinary skills.  Don’t dismiss making your own bread.  It’s cheap and if you make sourdough, you don’t even knead it!  I wish someone had told me that years ago.

Batch Cooking

Cooking once and reheating in a microwave can save £ on energy bills as well as having things ready to go when you get home from work.  My favourites are stews and soups in the winter but it can be done with salads and lunchbox items too.  Invest in some good containers, ideally glass with plastic lids, to make them last longer and for ease of storage.

Buy Generic and Store Brands

Don't shy away from these.  They are often as high in quality as name brands but come with a lower price tag.

Less meat but better quality

Meat can be one of the most expensive items and often the cheapest way to buy it is your local farm shop or butcher, not the supermarket.  The quality is likely to be far superior too. Consider reducing your meat consumption and incorporating more plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, tofu, and eggs into your diet instead.

Use Coupons and Discounts

Keep an eye out for coupons, discounts, and sales in your local grocery store's flyers or online. There are also various apps and websites that offer digital coupons and cashback rewards.

Limit Processed and Junk Foods

Ultra-processed foods are newsworthy at the moment.  They taste great and they are cheap, which is why we buy so much of them.  However they often offer little nutritional value and can be detrimental to your health in the long run. Focus on buying whole, unprocessed foods that provide essential nutrients without added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives.

Grow Your Own Produce

If you have access to outdoor space or even a windowsill, have a go.  The cost of herbs is one of my pet peeves and these can be grown easily in pots from seed. 

Practice Portion Control

Wasting food is both costly and environmentally unfriendly. Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating and to make your groceries last longer. Leftovers can also be repurposed into new meals, reducing food waste.



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