Great skin from within

Writing this on the hottest day of the year so far, when much of our skin is exposed, we often think that the best way to get great looking skin is with a tan or with expensive skin creams.  It is true that vitamin D from the sun is a health essential, but as we know, too much sun can cause long term damage.


The truth is what we eat is the best way to keep skin looking great. 


Vitamin C

Foods containing vitamin C such as citrus fruits, berries, peppers and greens of any type are mildly protective from the harsh exposure of the sun as it is a powerful anti-oxidant. 



These act as a type of anti-oxidant and are recognisable by the red, orange and yellow pigments in vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, red and yellow peppers as well as wild caught salmon.  You will have probably heard of lycopene, a special type of carotenoid found in tomatoes and red cabbage.  Carotenoids promote healthy skin cells.



There are more than 8,000 different classifications of polyphenols including ones you have heard of such as flavonoids and ellagic acids. These are considered a “lifespan essential” given their wide ranging properties.  Polyphenols are mainly found in the dark coloured plants such as purple berries, pomegranate, purple grapes (and red wine), dark green leafy veg, very dark high quality chocolate, coffee (yes!) and herbs.  Herbs are extremely powerful and by weight, pack a massive dose of nutrients in themselves.  Peppermint, oregano, star anise, sage, rosemary and thyme are all high in polyphenols.  From a skin point of view, polyphenols protect against too much sun exposure as they are free radical scavengers.  They also increase circulation.



Three-quarters of the dry weight of skin consists of collagen and it’s pretty much everywhere in the body.  It keeps skin firm and plump looking.  Unfortunately the body prioritises collagen going to other cells before it gets to hair, skin, and nails and as it drops naturally as we age, collagen has become popular as a supplement.  You can get collagen from bone broth.  Never waste the bones from your Sunday roast, boil them for a few hours with some cider vinegar, herbs and seasoning.  Once cooled you get that gelatinous goodness (skim the fat off the top if you like), and use as a soup base or freeze for later.  You can also get collagen from liver and tough cuts of meat cooked very slowly.  If you supplement, always buy high quality, such as grass fed with no other additives.  If you prefer marine collagen supplements, be extremely wary of how these are produced and research well.





I shouldn’t need to say this, but water is 50% to 70% of bodyweight but the answer to how much is the right amount to drink is complicated as it depends on what you eat, how much you weigh and exercise etc.  Rule of thumb – urine should be pale yellow or colourless.




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