Your Winter Wellness Checklist

Much has been written this year about keeping our immune systems in good condition and it is something I’m asked about regularly in clinic.  Even if your immune system is compromised there are things you can do as a self-help measure.  Over the coming weeks I will write more about each one of these. In the meantime, here is your checklist:


Look after your Gut 

It is said that 80% of our immune system resides in the cells that line our gut.  Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Rich in vitamins and minerals, choose what is in season and organic if possible.  Fill half your plate with vegetables or fruit and try to “Eat the Rainbow” as each colour brings its own benefits and the wider the diversity, the better for your gut bugs.



Disordered sleep promotes inflammation and healthy sleep supports an anti-viral immune response.  As part of your wind down routine, deploy the two hour rule for healthy sleep: 


·      Leave two hours between eating and drinking before bed

·      Leave a two-hour gap before intense exercise and bed

·      No devices two hours before bed and start to reduce your exposure to light.



Stress chemistry is inherently inflammatory.  Cortisol is released in response to stress and has an immune suppressive action.  We all have stress in our lives, some of it useful, but we can help ourselves by switching off the news and limiting social media.  Take time to relax and laugh.  Find one thing a day that brings you joy.  


Reduce immune depressors

Sugar, refined processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes, all rob the body of nutrients, create inflammation, damage your gut and give you nothing in return.



Inactivity is associated with a higher incidence of infection, slower recovery and poor antibody response.  Try to get outdoors in the fresh air, even if just for a daily walk.  Excessive exercise can lower immunity so try to find balance.


Get your vitamin D levels checked

Along with good gut health, vitamin D is the cornerstone of a strong immune system.    An optimum level of vitamin D is around 100nmol/L.  You can get an at-home test for £29 You can read more about the importance of vitamin D in an article I wrote during the summer here.



Part 1: Eating for Immunity


Choosing the right hand sanitiser